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A community of 1,900,000 book lovers. LibraryThing connects you to people who read what you do. See what bloggers and the media say. Catalog your books from Amazon, the Library of Congress and 700 other world libraries. Find new books to read.
A community of 1,900,000 book lovers. LibraryThing connects you to people who read what you do. See what bloggers and the media say. Catalog your books from Amazon, the Library of Congress and 700 other world libraries. Find new books to read. Reviewed, rated, added.
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Catalog your books from Amazon, the Library of Congress and 2231 other libraries. Catalog your movies and music too. Talk about what you love with other committed bibliophiles. Track and lend your books. Snag a book from over 2000 early-release books every month. El misteri de la senyoreta Hargreaves. Reviewed, rated, added.
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